Editing several regions simultaneously, Loop, Transpose – Apple Logic Express 7 User Manual

Page 117

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Chapter 3

Arrange Window


Editing Several Regions Simultaneously

If several Regions are selected, the number of selected Regions is displayed, in place of
a Region name. If you alter any Region parameter, all selected Regions will be affected.
If a given parameter (Transpose, for example) is set differently in the individual Regions,
a “*” appears in the Parameter field. You can alter this parameter for all selected
Regions, and the value differential will be retained (relative alteration). If you want to
set all selected Regions to the same value, hold down Option while changing the value
(absolute alteration).


Value range: On or Off. Normal value: Off

When switched On, the Region is repeated until it encounters another Region on the
same track. A loop will also terminate at the end marker of a folder (if the looped
Region is inside a folder), or the song end marker. These loop repeats are displayed as
grey beams, named after the parent Region. The length of each loop is identical to that
of the parent Region, so if you want to create polyrhythmic structures, try
experimenting with the length of the original Region.

One way of ending a loop early is to create an empty Region (on the same track) with
the Pencil. Perhaps a better method is to place the looped Region in a folder. You can
then control the total number of loops by simply altering the length of the folder.

Looped Regions can be selected by clicking on the light-gray bar at the top of the
loop-repetitions. A short click will select the looped Region. Click-holding behaves like
a click on the background. All Regions are deselected and rubber-band selection
becomes active, allowing multiple Regions to be selected.

The Toggle Loop key command may be used to switch the Loop parameter on and off
for selected Regions.

Region > Parameters > Turn Loops to Real Copies transforms the loops into real copies of
the original Region, and simultaneously switches the Loop parameter Off for the
resulting Region(s).

Region > Parameters > Turn Loops to Aliases changes MIDI Region loops to aliases. This
function is also available as a key command.


Value range: ±96 semitones. Normal value: 0

All note events contained in the MIDI Region are transposed up or down by the
selected amount during playback. Even complete folders can be instantly transposed in
this way. If several individual MIDI Regions within the folder have already been
transposed, the relative differences between them are retained.