Drive history – HP StoreEver TapeAssure Software User Manual
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Figure 60 Support ticket Drive Usage section
Tape Pulled – expressed in full volume equivalents (FVEs), which is the equivalent of writing
to or reading from a full tape once. A full volume write followed by a read will give two full
volume equivalents.
Duty cycle – the average duty cycle over the life of the drive. This value cannot be reset. For
more dynamic duty cycle reporting please use TapeAssure.
Native data volume – this is the amount of data after compression read or written to tape.
Drive history
The Drive History logs present historical information for the drive.
Figure 61 Support ticket Drive History section
Event log – shows, by power cycle, what the drive has done from the host perspective. This
log is output directly from the drive firmware and is a little cryptic, but you can see the host
commands and what the drive did in response, such as writing and reading.
Errors returned to host – if the drive had a failure it will report that back to the host which will,
in turn, cause the backup to fail. The information here is from an internal firmware log and
cryptic but does give a good idea what went wrong from the drive’s perspective. Most
importantly, if there isn’t a failure reported to the host then the drive isn’t the cause of the
failure. Any errors in this category are highlighted.
Tape load failures – if a push load failure occurred it will be shown here. Any errors in this
category are highlighted.
Drive assessment test history – records the results of the last two drive assessment tests. Recent
failures are highlighted.
Device analysis history – records previous device analysis rules that have triggered. Rules are
considered transient so they are not reported continuously once a failure has occurred so this
log is used to see if anything had triggered in the past.
Reports and support tickets