GW Instek PEL-2000 Series User Manual User Manual
Page 265

Enter key .................................. 21
operation .................................. 8
Storage ...................................... 8
External memory save
description ........................... 92
External voltage mode
description ........................... 85
Features .................................... 12
File format mode description 94
Firmware update ................... 244
Frame control congifuration 187
Frame Link configuration .... 236
Frame link connection ............ 54
Front panel overview.............. 17
Function Keys .......................... 17
rating ......................................... 7
Fuse replacement .................. 242
Go/NoGo Alarm Sound ...... 191
Go/NoGo connection ............. 59
Go/NoGo constant current
mode description ................ 63
Go/NoGo constant Resistance
mode description ................ 66
Go/NoGo constant voltage
mode description ................ 70
Go/NoGo interface
configuration ..................... 239
GPIB card installation ............. 38
GPIB configuration ....... 198, 234
Independent configuration .. 171
Independent mode description83
GPIB card ............................... 38
Load module .......................... 35
Rack mount ............................ 39
Interface configuration ......... 233
Baud Rate ............................. 196
GPIB ...................................... 198
Interface menu ..................... 195
RS232 ..................................... 196
USB configuration ............... 199
Internal memory save
description ........................... 92
Knob configuration ............... 188
Language Settings ................. 194
List of features ......................... 12
Load (module )key .................. 29
Load connections .................... 43
Load Connections
Auxiliary voltage connection51
DC Connection ....................... 51
Dual channel load module ... 50
Low voltage connections ...... 51
Multiple output power source53
Parallel load modules ............ 52
Parallel loads .......................... 52
Parallel mainframes ............... 53
Precautions ............................. 43
Single channel load module . 50
Single load .............................. 50
Load delay time configuration173
Load D-Time mode
description ........................... 84
Load key ................................... 21
Load Menu ............................. 182
Load module installation ....... 35
Load module Overview ......... 28
Load profiling description ..... 74
Load terminals ......................... 29
Load wire induction ............... 44
Load wiring .............................. 45
Local operation
A&B Value ............................ 113
Channel selection ................. 113
Display .................................. 117
Dynamic ................................ 114
Editing the load .................... 118
Load ....................................... 115
Operation .............................. 112
R/L keys ............................... 113
Shorting ................................. 116
Static ...................................... 114
Lock key ................................... 19