Luminex 100 IS User Manual, Version 2.1 User Manual
Page 112

100 IS S Users Manual Version 2.1
MAP Technology
7 - 52
PN 89-00002-00-061 Rev. A
command. The system appends any remaining patient IDs to the
end of the command list in order as they appear in the patient
If all patient IDs in the batch or multi-batch are identified, the
system appends the patient list to the first empty location after
the batch’s or multi-batch’s last command list activity.
An assigned value is the patient label by which you recognize the
sample and might take the form of a barcode entry number you
scanned into the system or the sample ID entered manually.
5. Choose whether to save the batch or multi-batch for later use by
clicking Save only or to save the botch or multi-batch and load it
to run after you finish creating it by clicking Save and Load.
6. Click Finish. The system either saves the batch or multi-batch
for later use or it loads it for immediate use according to the
decision you made when creating it.
Establish Where to
Begin Acquiring
When you are creating a batch or multi-batch, the system lets you
establish where you want to begin acquiring samples, if in a location
other the first available empty microtiter well. Once you have loaded
a batch for processing, you cannot change the location where you
will begin acquiring data.
To establish where on the microtiter plate to begin acquiring data
during batch or multi-batch creation:
1. From the microtiter plate representation on the Batch Setup
dialog box, click the first well for sample acquisition and, while
holding the mouse button, drag the highlighted well to the
location on the microtiter plate where you wish to begin
acquiring data. The display updates to show the wells for
acquisition in its new location. The wells in front of the new
starting well now appear red.
When you process this batch, the system begins acquiring data
from the well indicated as the starting well.
Change Where to
Begin Acquiring
Data in Multi-
Since multi-batches use at least two batches, the system lets you
change the location where it will begin acquiring data.