Luminex 100 IS User Manual, Version 2.1 User Manual
Page 101

MAP Technology
Software Tour
PN 89-00002-00-061 Rev. A
7 - 41
Figure 63. Entering Additional Samples
7. Enter the sample ID for the sample you want to add to the batch.
Repeat this step as many times as it takes to add all of the
additional samples to the batch.
8. If you want to add a patient file to the batch, click Load Patient
List. An Open Patient List File dialog box appears.
Figure 64. Open Patient List File Dialog Box
If you do not want to add a patient list to the batch, see step 11.
9. Select a patient file to append to the batch and click Open. The
patients from that file append to the batch. The rest of the list
appends to the last well occupied with a command.
Enter additional
samples here