HP 8360 User Manual
Page 505

status registers
condition register,
enable register,
event register,
example sequence,
general model,
transition filter,
status register structure, SCPI,
status system
step attenuator,
step control master,
step control slave,
step dwell,
stepped frequency mode, dwell time,
stepped mode, number of points,
stepped sweep coupled,
stepped sweep mode,
stepped sweep mode, step size,
step points,
step points dwell time,
step size,
step size, CW frequency,
step size, power level, U-l
step size, swept frequency,
step sweep functions,
step sweep trigger automatic,
step sweep trigger bus,
step sweep trigger external,
stimulus response measurements
programming example,
stop frequency
flatness correction,
frequency list,
stop frequency key,
stop sweep in/out connector,
storage, 3-17
storage registers, 1-16
store instrument state command,
store instrument state key, S-l
string response data
discussed in detail,
subsystem commands,
graphical tree format,
tabular format, 1-71
summary bit,
suppression of EOI, 1-61
frequency, markers, M-l
simplified subsystem command tree,