Console ia and ii diagnostic tests – Gasboy CFN Series Diagnostic Manual User Manual
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CFN System
The Postpay-Prepay Consoles IA and II can perform a number of diagnostic tests to check the
operation of various components within the unit. Tests can be performed while connected to the
site controller or totally independent of it.
Start Diagnostic Mode (With Site Controller)
Insert the key into the keyswitch and turn it to MANAGER.
Press 00/NO SALE. The console performs its own stand-alone self-test. The display shows
the current version level of the console and the self-test menu appears.
Select the desired test through the numeric keypad. The test selected will continue until it
automatically ends or until the 0 key is pressed.
End Diagnostic Mode (With Site Controller)
Press 9 while the self-test menu is displayed.
Turn off and remove the Manager key.
NOTE: If you have a V5.1 or earlier console, use the Console I procedure to start and end
diagnostic mode.
Start Diagnostic Mode (Without Site Controller) - V5.2
Turn off power. Disconnect RS-422 loop.
Turn on power. Press 00/NO SALE.
End Diagnostic Mode (Without Site Controller) - V5.2
Turn off power. Reconnect RS-422 loop.
Turn on power.
Diagnostic Tests (Software Versions 5.1 and Earlier)
0 - Display Version Number: Press the 0 key. The console redisplays the software version
1 - RAM Test: Press the 1 key. The RAM test checks the RAM on the CPU PCB and reports the
results immediately. This test will exit to the self-test menu after a short wait. If this test fails, the
CPU PCB must be replaced and no other tests are valid.
2 - ROM Test: Press the 2 key. The ROM test checks the ROM (program) on the CPU PCB and
reports the results immediately. This test will exit to the self-test menu after a short wait. If this
test fails, the CPU PCB must be replaced and no other tests are valid.
3 - Card Reader Test: Press the 3 key. The card reader test will allow a card to be read through
the reader. At the ENTER CARD prompt, swipe the card through the reader. The card number
is shown on the display in four groups of four digits. If the card number has more than sixteen
digits, the next four groups of four are shown after several seconds or after you press ENTER.
When all digits have been presented, the console again gives you the prompt, ENTER CARD.
Enter another card, or press 0 to take the console back to the self-test menu.
4 - Display Test: Press the 4 key. All characters on the display should change at the same time,
all hose LED's should change together, and the current and previous sale LED's should turn on
and off at the same time. Press 0 to take the console back to the self-test menu.