Gasboy CFN Series Diagnostic Manual User Manual
Page 251

Postpay-Prepay Console
SW2 & SW3 - Miscellaneous Switches P-P I
This switch should always be closed to allow data integrity checks to be performed on the
data going between the Console and the site controller.
In the closed position, the console beeper is enabled to signal various status and error
conditions. In the open position, the beeper is disabled.
CASH This switch must be closed if a cash drawer is present. It should open if a cash drawer is
not present.
UNITS This switch must be closed if volume is measured in gallons. It should be open if volume
is measured in liters. This affects the volume amount attached to the amount pumped
DECP In the open position, 3 decimal places are displayed for pump quantity. In the closed
position, 2 decimal places are displayed for pump quantity and rounding occurs (5 and
over rounds up, 4 and lower rounds down).
DEAD This switch enables the deadman timer. It should always be open.
In the open position, the console is in the normal mode of operation. In the closed
position, the console enters the self-test (diagnostic) mode.
In the open position, the console will run with site controller software versions prior to
V4.0. In the closed position, the console will run with site controller software version V4.0
and higher. This compensates for changes in the communication protocol which
occurred in V4.0.
QUIET In the open position, the off-hook alert beeps will occur at their standard intensity and
duration. In the closed position, the off-hook alert beeps will be quieter and shorter in
COLR In the open position, the pump status LED's will be red to signal the nozzle is off-hook but
the transaction is not yet approved and green for all other indications. In the closed
position, the colors are reversed.
In the open position, the off-hook alert beep is enabled. In the closed position, the off-
hook beep is disabled.