KEYENCE Visual KV Series User Manual
Page 212

2.4 Instruction Details
Chapter 2 Instructions
Change in status of special utility relays (arithmetic flags) by arithmetic
instructions (3/3)
1 When the result of COMPARE is negative, the relay turns ON. When the result is
not negative, the relay remains OFF.
2 When the result of COMPARE is "0", the relay turns ON. When the result is not
"0", the relay remains OFF.
3 When the result of COMPARE is positive, the relay turns ON. When the result is
not positive, the relay remains OFF.
4 When the result of the arithmetic operation exceeds the 16-bit range ($FFFF),
the relay turns ON. When the result is within the 16-bit range, the relay remains
5 When, as a result of the arithmetic operation, the data in the internal register is
"0", the relay turns ON. When the data is not "0", the relay remains OFF.
6 When the result of the arithmetic operation is negative, the relay turns ON.
When the result is not negative, the relay remains OFF.
7 When the result of the arithmetic operation is positive, the relay turns ON.
When the result is not positive, the relay remains OFF.
8 When, as a result of the arithmetic operation, all of the 32 bits are "0", the relay
turns ON. When any of them is not "0", the relay remains OFF.
9 When the divisor is "0", in the division, the relay turns ON. In this case, DIVIDE is
not executed.
0 When, as a result of SHIFT or ROTATE, "1" is entered into 2009, it turns ON.
When "1" is not entered, it remains OFF.
A When as a result of INCREMENT MEMORY, the data of the data memory is "0",
the relay turns ON. When the data is not "0", the relay remains OFF.
B When as a result of DECREMENT MEMORY, the data of the data memory
EXCEEDS 16 BIT RANGE ($FFFF), the relay turns ON. When the data is within
the 16-bit range, the relay remains OFF.
C When there is no "ON" bit in the internal register at execution of
DEMULTIPLEXER, the relay turns ON. (In this case, "0" is entered in the internal
register.) When there is a "ON" bit(s), the relay remains OFF.
D When the data in the internal register exceeds $270F (#09999) at execution of
TRANSFER BCD, the relay turns ON. (In this case, TRANSFER BCD is not
executed.) When the data does not exceed $270F, the relay remains OFF.
E When the data in the internal register is not BCD data at execution of TRANS-
FER BIN, the relay turns ON. (In this case, TRANSFER BIN is not executed.)
When the data is BCD, the relay remains OFF.
F When the higher-order byte or lower-order byte in the internal register is respec-
tively not within the range of $30 through $39, or the range of $41 through $46 at
execution of REVERSE ASCII CONVERT, the relay turns ON. (In this case,
REVERSE ASCII CONVERT is not executed.)
When the value is within the range, the relay remains OFF.
G When the input value for TRIMMER SETTING is "0", the relay turns ON.
When the value is not "0", the relay remains OFF.
H During indirect addressing, there is no data memory or relay by the number
specified by "TMxx".
I When the result of the arithmetic operation exceeds the 16-bit range, the relay
turns ON. When the result is within the 16-bit range, the relay remains OFF.
KVNKA Chap 02_4dP.p65
08.3.11, 0:04 PM