Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 987

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5 Method

tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)




A constant measured value is often only reached after a certain time, as
mixing and possibly the reaction itself require a certain time. The
response time of an electrode can also increase with time, i.e. reaching
a constant measured value takes longer and longer. Drift-controlled
is particularly advisable in such cases, as the measured
values are not applied until equilibrium has almost been reached.

Measurement with drift control
If the option Measurement with drift control has been selected, then
the following parameters will be displayed:

Measured value drift

The measured value is only accepted if the signal drift defined here has
been fallen short of.

Titrando, 855, 867
Input range

0.1 - 999.0 mV/min

Default value

10.0 mV/min

Input range

0.5 - 999.0 mV/min

Default value

10.0 mV/min

Min. waiting time

The measured value is not accepted until the minimum waiting time has
elapsed, even if the signal drift has already been reached. The drift contin-
ues to be checked while the waiting time is elapsing.

Titrando, 855, 867
Input range

0 - 999999 s

Default value

0 s

Max. waiting time

If the signal drift has not yet been reached, then the measured value will
be accepted when the maximum waiting time has elapsed. If the waiting
time has not been newly entered then a waiting time that is suitable for
the drift will be calculated automatically according to the following equa-