4 lift, 1 lift - overview, Lift – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 1238

5.6 Commands
tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)
Relative angle
Swinging by the specified swing angle relative to the current position.
This can be used for example to remove vial caps automatically.
Indicates the number of the external position which is to be swung to.
This parameter is only visible for Swing = External position.
Input range
1 - 4
Default value
Swing angle
Angle by which the robotic arm is to be swung relative to the current
position. This parameter is visible only when Swing = Relative angle.
Input range
-180.0 - 180.0 °
Default value
10.0 °
Swing rate
Speed of the robotic arm when swinging to an external position or a par-
ticular angle.
Input range
10 - 55 °/s
Default value
55 °/s
LIFT - Overview
Dialog window: Method
▶ LIFT ▶ Properties... ▶ LIFT - 'Command name'
Command for moving to a Work position, Shift position, Rinse
position and Special position with a Sample Processor.
This command can be executed with the following devices:
Sample Processor: 730, 774, 778, 789, 814, 815, 855, 864, 874.
The command has the following appearance: