5 deleting a method, 6 sending a method to, Deleting a method – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 436: Sending a method to

5.3 Managing methods
tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)
Method group
Selection of the method group to which the selected methods should be
Method groups
Locked methods (methods signed at Level 2) cannot be moved.
Deleting a method
Menu item: Method
▶ File ▶ Method manager… ▶ Method man-
▶ [Edit] ▶ Delete
With the menu item [Edit]
▶ Delete, the selected methods and all
method versions are deleted.
If the option Comment on modification of methods is activated in the
Security settings (see Chapter, page 1342), then the dialog win-
dow Modification comment method (see Chapter 5.2.7, page 415) is
displayed when methods are deleted.
Locked methods (methods signed at Level 2) cannot be deleted.
Sending a method to
Menu item: Method
▶ File ▶ Method manager… ▶ Method man-
▶ [Edit] ▶ Send to…
With the menu item Edit
▶ Send to…, the selected methods are each
exported as a file named 'Method name'vmet.
Afterwards, the Windows Standard E-mail Client will open with an empty
message. The export files of the highlighted objects will automatically be
added as an attachment. The user can complete the e-mail himself/herself
and send it on. The exported methods are stored only temporarily on the
computer and will be deleted automatically after the e-mail has been sent.
The exported methods are stored uncoded but with a checksum. If a
file stored in this manner is tampered with, then it cannot be imported