17 stdadd man, 1 stdadd man - overview, Stdadd man – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual
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5.6 Commands
tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)
STDADD man - Overview
Dialog window: Method
▶ STDADD man ▶ Properties... ▶ STDADD man - 'Com-
mand name'
Command for Standard addition with manual addition of the standard
addition solution.
This command can be executed with the following devices:
Titrando: 808, 809, 835, 836, 857, 904, 905, 906, 907
pH/Ion - Meter: 867
Robotic Titrosampler: 855
The command has the following appearance:
The parameters for the command STDADD man are configured on the
following 3 tabs:
Parameters for devices, sensors and stirrers.
Standard addition
Parameters for standard addition.
Measuring parameters
Parameters for setting the measurement procedure.
Standard addition curve
The standard addition curve with its evaluation data for a determination is
shown in the program part Database in the dialog window Calibration
curve, which is opened with the menu item Determinations
▶ Show
calibration curve... or the symbol .
Command variables
The following command variables are generated in the method run by the
command STDADD man and can be used in formulas under the designa-
tion 'Command name.Variable designation':