Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 669

5 Method
tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)
Selection of a sensor of type Metal electrode from the sensors config-
ured in the sensor table. The calibration data for the sensor will be adop-
ted for the determination.
Sensor name | Metal electrode
Default value
Metal electrode
The polarization voltage is the potential applied to the polarizable elec-
trode during an amperometric measurement.
Titrando, 855
Input range
–1250 - 1250 mV (Increment: 25)
Default value
400 mV
Input range
–1270 - 1270 mV (Increment: 10)
Default value
400 mV
Electrode check
on | off (Default value: off)
If this check box is enabled, then an electrode check will be carried out for
polarizable electrodes during the transition from an inactive normal status
to a measurement. A check is also made while doing so to ensure that the
electrode is properly connected and that no short-circuit is present.
Temperature measurement
Type of temperature measurement.
Titrando, 855
continuous | automatic | off
Default value
A temperature sensor must be connected. The temperature will then
be measured continuously.
If a temperature sensor is connected then the temperature will be
measured continuously. Otherwise the temperature entered manually
under Temperature on the Titration parameters tab will used.
The temperature will not be measured. The temperature entered man-
ually under Temperature on the Titration parameters tab will be