2 user administration - access rights, 3 user administration - signatures, Access rights – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 1346: Signatures, Define access rights for user groups, Define signature rights for user groups

6.2 Administration
tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)
User administration - Access rights
Dialog window: Configuration
▶ Tools ▶ User administration...
If in the left-hand part of the dialog window User administration the
item Access rights is highlighted for a user group then the access rights
of this group for program parts, menu items and functions will be shown
in tree-form in the right-hand side of the window and can be modified
there. If one item is deactivated, then all the subitems belonging to it will
also be automatically deactivated. If a subitem, e.g. the menu Tools is
deactivated in the configuration then the box for the configuration is col-
ored gray. Blocked functions are deactivated for the particular user, i.e.
shown in gray.
Meaning of the symbols:
Enlarge view
Program part
Reduce view
M Menu item
Full access to function(s)
Limited access to function(s)
No access to function(s)
In the Administrators group all access rights are switched on as
default and cannot be modified.
User administration - Signatures
Dialog window: Configuration
▶ Tools ▶ User administration...
If in the left-hand part of the dialog window User administration the
item Signatures is highlighted for a user group, then the rights of this
group will be shown in the right-hand part and can be modified there.
For the version tiamo light, these rights cannot be edited as no signa-
tures are possible.
Permissions for methods
Signature level 1
If this check box is activated, then users in this user group can electroni-
cally sign methods at level 1.