Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 1461

6 Configuration
tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)
Input range
–2.147E+9 - 2.147E+9
Default value
Intervention limits for pH(0) (for pH electrodes only)
on | off (Default value: off)
If this option is activated, then the values for pH(0) will be shown in red
if the limits are exceeded.
Lower limit
Lower intervention limit for pH(0).
Input range
–2.147E+9 - 2.147E+9
Default value
Upper limit
Upper intervention limit for pH(0).
Input range
–2.147E+9 - 2.147E+9
Default value
Warning limits for E(0) (for ISE electrodes only)
on | off (Default value: off)
If this option is activated, then the values for E(0) will be shown in
orange if the limits are exceeded.
Lower limit
Lower warning limit for E(0).
Input range
–2.147E+9 - 2.147E+9 mV
Default value
–15 mV
Upper limit
Upper warning limit for E(0).
Input range
–2.147E+9 - 2.147E+9 mV
Default value
15 mV
Intervention limits for E(0) (for ISE electrodes only)
on | off (Default value: off)
If this option is activated, then the values for E(0) will be shown in red if
the limits are exceeded.
Lower limit
Lower intervention limit for E(0).