15 meas opt conc, 1 meas opt conc - overview, Meas opt conc – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 1074

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5.6 Commands




tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)

MEAS Opt Conc

MEAS Opt Conc - Overview

Dialog window: Method

MEAS Opt Conc Properties... MEAS Opt Conc -

'Command name'

Command for the measurement of the sample solution at a defined
wavelength. In the process, the measured absorbance value is directly
converted to a concentration value using the calibration function stored
for the colorimetric sensor used.

This command can be executed with the following instruments:

Spectrometer: Avantes


In a one-channel instrument setup, only instruments for which the entry
not defined is selected under Instrument for reference channel in
the configuration can be selected.

In a two-channel instrument setup, only instruments which are assigned
an instrument for the reference channel can be selected (see Chapter
7.14.3, page 1583)

Photometer: 089

The command has the following appearance:

The parameters for the MEAS Opt Conc command are set on the follow-
ing three tabs:

(see Chapter, page 1060)
Parameters for instrument.

Measuring parameters
Parameters for setting the measurement procedure.

Additional measured values
Definition of additional measured values which can be saved as addi-
tional columns in the measuring point list.