5 deleting a method, Deleting a method 7 – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 1773

9 How to proceed?
tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)
2 In the list box Method group select the desired method group.
3 Select the desired method from the table or enter a name in the field
Method name.
4 Click on [Save].
The selected method is saved under the desired method name in the
selected method group as method version 1.
If the check box Comment on modification of methods is acti-
vated in the Security settings, the window Modification com-
ment method is displayed before the method is saved.
Deleting a method
How to proceed?
1 Select program part Method.
2 Click on the symbol or menu item File ▶ Method manager….
The dialog window Method manager opens.
3 In the list box Method group select the desired method group.
4 Select the desired method from the table or enter a name in the field
Method name.
5 Click on the menu item Edit
▶ Delete….
The selected methods with all its Method versions are deleted.
If the check box Comment on modification of methods is acti-
vated in the Security settings(see Chapter, page 1342), the
window Modification comment method is displayed before the
method is saved. In this window, a reason and a comment on delet-
ing can be entered, which is logged in the Audit Trail.
Locked methods cannot be deleted.