Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 396

4.8 Subwindow Curves
tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)
In the curve window a tab with the corresponding command name and
the run index (e.g. Chloride.1) is provided for each run of a measuring
command; their sequence is determined by the method.
Display of curves
The curves of the selected determination are shown on the tabs with the
properties defined per window and per command type. The command
type (e.g. DET pH) is shown above the left-hand y axis.
Curves can be zoomed as often as required by spanning a section of the
curve display with the left mouse button pressed down. Zooming can be
undone with a double-click on the section of the graph or with the con-
text-sensitive menu command Show All.
When a new determination is selected the complete curve is always
shown, i.e. the zoom range is not retained when the determination is
Curves can be copied into the clipboard with the context-sensitive menu
command Copy graphics.
The curves for the command MET Cond and for the evaluation of con-
ductivity are automatically shown with tangents. However, only when
plotting Measured value against Volume or Volume against Mea-
sured value.
Display of the monitoring report
With the context-sensitive menu item Monitoring report… in the curve
window the dialog window Monitoring report - 'Command name'
opens for displaying the measuring point list with the selected curve.
The column Monitoring is displayed as default for STAT and DOS com-
mands and can contain the following entries:
_Meas.v. | ¯Meas.v. | _Dos.r. | ¯Dos.r. | _Temp. |
¯Temp. | *
Default value
Lower limit value for measured value monitoring infringed.
Upper limit value for measured value monitoring infringed.
Lower limit value for dosing rate monitoring infringed.