Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 1087

5 Method
tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)
Input range
0 - 999,999 s
Default value
154 s
Measuring interval
Time interval for entering a measured value in the measuring point list.
Input range
0.25 - 999,999.00 s (Increment: 0.25)
Default value
2.00 s
Stop measured value
Stop when the entered measured value has been reached since the start
of the measurement.
Input range
0 - 4,000 mAU
Default value
Measuring temperature, which can be entered manually. If a temperature
sensor is connected and the Temperature measurement is set to auto-
matic or continuous on the General/Hardware tab under Sensor,
then the temperature will be measured continuously.
Input range
20.0 - 60 °C
Default value
25.0 °C
Measurement without drift control
Measuring time
Duration of the absorbance measurement.
Input range
0 - 999,999 s
Default value
120 s
Measuring interval
Time interval for entering a measuring point in the measuring point list.
Input range
0.25 - 999,999.00 s (Increment: 0.25)
Default value
2.00 s
Stop measured value
Stop when the entered measured value has been reached since the start
of the measurement.
Input range
0 - 4,000 mAU
Default value