Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 1710

8.4 Manual control - Functions
tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)
Before a sample spectrum can be measured, a reference spectrum has
to be recorded in a determination by a spectrometer using a MEAS
Ref command.
In the case of a one-channel instrument setup, the parameters
Start wavelength, End wavelength, Integration time, Averaged
spectra, Smoothing and Flash rate are read out from the reference
spectrum and displayed but they cannot be modified. In the case of a
two-channel instrument setup, these parameters are editable,
except for Integration time and Smoothing.
Start wavelength
Lower limit of the spectrum.
Input range
100.0 - 2000.0 nm
Default value
400.0 nm
End wavelength
Upper limit of the spectrum.
Input range
100.0 - 2000.0 nm
Default value
1000.0 nm
Integration time
Integration time for spectrum recording.
Input range
0.01 - 600000 ms
Default value
6 ms
Averaged spectra
Number of spectra that are recorded and averaged.
Input range
1 - 10000
Default value
Number of neighboring pixels with which the value for each measurement
pixel is determined.
Input range
0 - 100 Pixels
Default value
0 Pixels
Flash rate
Number of flashes per second of a pulsed xenon lamp as light source.