Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 1809

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tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)



Work position 1492, 1493, 1508,
1523, 1536, 1545, 1547, 1683

Lift position .................... 1488
Special beaker ...... 1489, 1490

Working sample table

Column display ......... 115, 167
Comment ................. 123, 175
Create new ...................... 157
Data import .............. 120, 173
Edit ........................ 150, 1768
Edit (Properties) ........ 117, 170
Edit sample data ............... 158
Editing lock .............. 117, 170
Functions ......................... 150
Load ....................... 157, 1768
Process ..................... 119, 172
Properties ......................... 167

Workplace ................................ 94

Closing ............................. 104
Creating new .................... 102
Definition ........................... 94

Desktop ........................ 19, 94
Displaying next to one another
......................................... 104
Displaying one below the other
......................................... 104
Displaying single ............... 104
Edit .................................. 103
Elements ...................... 19, 94
Functions ........................... 98
General .............................. 94
Menu bar ........................... 94
Properties ......................... 103
Run subwindow ............... 129
Selecting .......................... 103
Subwindow ........................ 97
Subwindow Live display .... 179
Subwindow Method ......... 177
Subwindow Report ........... 189
Symbol ......................... 19, 94
Toolbar .............................. 97
View ................ 99, 199, 1324

XML export

Colorimetric sensors ......... 294
Command data ................ 277
Common variables ............ 286
Determination data .......... 266
Device data ...................... 288
Electrode test ................... 293
Global variables ................ 287
Method data .................... 270
Method parameters .......... 294
Overview .......................... 265
Results overview ............... 273
Sample data ..................... 272
Sample solution (TC conductiv-
ity) .................................... 292
Selection .......................... 260
Sensor data ...................... 291
Single results .................... 275
Statistical data .................. 295