2 signature level 1 – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 439

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5 Method

tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)



Signature Level 1

Dialog window: Database

Determinations Sign Signature 1... Signature

Level 1

Dialog window: Method

File Method manager... Method man-


[Sign] Signature 1... Signature Level 1

In the window Signature Level 1, methods or determinations can be
signed at level 1.


Methods or determinations which have been signed at level 1 can be
modified and deleted. If the modified method or determination is saved
as a new version then all existing signatures will be deleted automati-
cally, i.e. the method or determination must be signed again.


Display of information for signing and deleting signatures. The following
messages are possible:


Signature possible | Signature 1 not possible
(signature 2 exists)
| Signature not possible
(accessed by other client)

Signature possible
The selected method or determination can be signed.
Signature 1 not possible (signature 2 exists)
The selected method or determination can no longer be signed at level
1 as it has already been signed at level 2.
Signature not possible (accessed by other client)
The selected method or determination cannot be signed as it is already
marked to be signed on a different client.


Entry of the user name (short name).


24 characters


Password entry.


24 characters


Selection from the Default reasons defined in the dialog window Secur-
ity settings
for the category Signature level 1.