4 meas opt conc - additional measured values, Additional measured values – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 1081

5 Method
tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)
Input range
0 - 999,999 s
Default value
600 s
Measuring interval
Time interval for entering a measuring point in the measuring point list.
Input range
0.25 - 999,999.0 s
Default value
2.0 s
Stop measured value
Stop when the entered measured value has been reached since the start
of the measurement.
Input range
0 - 4,000 mAU
Default value
Temperature (089 Photometer)
Measuring temperature, which can be entered manually. If the Tempera-
ture measurement is set to continuous on the General/Hardware
tab under Sensor, then the temperature will be measured continuously.
Input range
20.0 - 60 °C
Default value
25.0 °C
MEAS Opt Conc - Additional measured values
Tab: Method
▶ MEAS Opt Conc ▶ Properties... ▶ Additional measured values
Command name
Name of the command.
25 characters
A maximum of 6 additional measured values can be defined on this tab.
These values can then be saved together in additional measured value col-
umns with the measured values present in the default settings.
Additional calculated measured values
Additional calculated measured values
on | off (Default value: off)
If this option is enabled, then a maximum of 3 new measured values can
be calculated from existing measured values and saved, which can also be
presented as curves under the designation Calculated 1…3 and used in
formulas as variables 'Command name.CA1…3'.