2 displaying single workplaces, 3 displaying workplaces next to one another, 4 displaying workplaces one below the other – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 120: 4 close workplace, 3 sample tables, 1 editing the sample table, 1 creating new sample table, Close workplace, Sample tables, Editing the sample table

background image

3.3 Sample tables




tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)

A menu with the currently opened workplaces
is displayed by clicking with either the left or
right mouse button on the workplace symbol.
The workplaces displayed in the main window
are marked with a checkmark. Clicking on the
desired workplace will cause it to be displayed
in the main window in place of the previously
selected one.

Displaying single workplaces

Menu item: Workplace

View Unsplit

In the default settings, the most recently opened workplace is displayed
alone in the main window. If the display of two windows is enabled, then
the symbol or the menu item View

Unsplit can be used to switch

back to the display of just one single workplace.

Displaying workplaces next to one another

Menu item: Workplace

View Split vertically

With the symbol or the menu item View

Split vertically two work-

places are displayed next to one another in the main window.

Displaying workplaces one below the other

Menu item: Menu item

Workplace Split horizontally

With the symbol or the menu item View

Split horizontally two

workplaces can be displayed one below the other in the main window.


Close workplace

Menu item: Workplace

File Workplace Close

With this menu item the selected workplace is closed.


Sample tables


Editing the sample table

Creating new sample table

Dialog window: Workplace

Tools Sample table New… Sample table 'New

sample table'

With the symbol or the menu item Tools

Sample table New… a

new sample table is opened that can then be edited.