6 properties - msb, Properties - msb # 0 – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 1556

7.7 814/815 USB Sample Processor
tiamo 2.4 (for Process Analysis)
Special beaker
Special position on the rack defined in the rack properties. The lift is
thereby lowered to the work position defined for that position.
Ext. position
External position which is defined for the Swing Head mounted to the
tower. The lift is thereby lowered to the work position defined for that
position. This option is only available if a Swing Head is mounted to the
Specification of the number of the rack position, of the special beaker or
of the external position.
Only editable for Move to initial position = on, otherwise inactive.
for Move = Rack position
Input range
1 - 999
Default value
for Move = Special beaker
Input range
1 - 16
Default value
for Move = External position
Input range
1 - 4
Default value
Properties - MSB #
Tab: Configuration
▶ Devices ▶ [Edit] ▶ Properties... ▶ Properties - 'Device type' -
'Device name'
▶ MSB #
On the tabs MSB # the properties of the connector and the devices con-
nected to are displayed.
Request for dosing device preparation
Selection when the request for carrying out the command PREP (see
Chapter, page 1207) (prepare) is to be shown for the dosing
device connected to the MSB.
At program start
on | off (Default value: on)
If this option is switched on then at each program start the request to pre-
pare the dosing device will appear.