Usage tab, Ddl tab, Privileges tab – HP Neoview Release 2.5 Software User Manual
Page 75: Usage tab ddl tab privileges tab
Select a Schema in the navigation tree.
Click the Views tab, or open the Views folder and select a view.
Click the Columns tab in the right pane. The column information is displayed in each column.
In the right pane, these usages are displayed:
Column Name: Name of the column (string).
Source Object: The name of the source object. If it is a computed object, this is blank.
The name is hyperlinked to show that clicking on the source object name navigates you
to the location of the object.
Data Type: SQL datatype of the column.
Nullable: If column is NOT NULL NOT DROPPABLE, the value displayed is “Not
Nullable.” If the column is NOT NULL, the displayed value is “Not Nullable.” If the
column is NULL, the value is blank.
Default: The default of the column.
Usage Tab
To display the usage information for a view:
Select a Schema in the navigation tree.
Click the Views tab, or open the Views folder and select a view.
Click the Usage tab in the right pane. The usage information is displayed in each column.
The Usage tab displays the usage relationships of the view with other objects, if any. The
attributes displayed are:
Relationship: Specifies the relationship of the view with the object specified. The values
are: “Uses,” “Used By,” and “Has.”
Related Object Type: Specifies the object type of the related object. The values are:
“Table,” “Materialized View,” “View,” or “Synonym.”
Related Object Name: Specifies the 2-part ANSI object name with a hyperlink to the
Metadata UID:Unique ID of the view (a long value).
Creation Time: Time and date when the related object was created. Timestamp is in
the format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.FFFFFF local).
Redefinition Time: Time and date when the related object was last redefined. Timestamp
is in the format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.FFFFFF local).
To display the DDL output for a view:
Navigate to the Schema in the navigation tree.
Click the Views tab, or open the Views folder and select a view.
Click the DDL tab in the right pane.
In the right pane, DDL output is displayed in the text box. For HP services, the internal
format of the SHOWDDL output is displayed. For more information on the format of the
SHOWDDL command, see the Neoview SQL Reference Manual.
For more information about displaying DDL, see
“Display Schema DDL and Their Properties”
Privileges Tab
To display view privileges:
Display Views and Their Properties