Delete one or more database users, Change your own default role, Platform users – HP Neoview Release 2.5 Software User Manual

Page 111: Display all platform users

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Delete One or More Database Users

You must be a user in the role of ROLE.MGR to delete a database user. Note that this action does
not delete a remotely authenticated database user from an external directory server.

To delete one or more database users:


Log on as a user belonging to ROLE.MGR.


Select the Security area. For information about how to select an area,

“Select an Area”

(page 35)



In the navigation tree pane, expand the folder for the logged on system, and select the
Database Users

folder. The right pane displays all database users.


In the right pane, select a user, or hold down the Ctrl key and select multiple users.


Click [ Delete ]. A confirmation dialog box appears.


Click [ OK ].

Related Topics

“Delete One or More Platform Users” (page 115)
“Add a Database User” (page 104)


database user

Change Your Own Default Role

You can change your own default role, but you can only select as the new default role a role to
which you already belong. For example, if your default role is ROLE.DBA and the only other
role to which you belong is ROLE.USER, you can change your default role only to ROLE.USER.
Unless you are granted additional roles, you cannot change your default role to any other role.


A user in the role of ROLE.MGR can change the default role of another user by using

the HPDM Edit User dialog box.

To change your own default role:


Connect to a system as described in

“Connect to a System” (page 25)



Select the Security area. For information about how to select an area,

“Select an Area”

(page 35)

. The right pane shows your sign-on user information (user name and default role).


In the right pane, click the down arrow next to the Default Role field, and select from the
list of roles that you can use for your new default role.


In the right pane, click [ Change Default Role ].

Related Topics

“Change Role or Password Information for a Database User” (page 109)



Platform Users

Display All Platform Users

You must be a user in the role of ROLE.SECMGR to display all platform users.

To display all platform users:


Log on as a user belonging to ROLE.SECMGR.


Select the Security area. For information about how to select an area,

“Select an Area”

(page 35)


Platform Users