Understand alerts, Understand privileges for viewing – HP Neoview Release 2.5 Software User Manual

Page 182

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Understand Alerts


Diagnostic information displayed by the Alerts tab is intended for use by HP support.

This information is not documented for customer use. If you have questions about an alert
condition, contact your HP support representative.

Alerts are alarms or incident reports generated by internal subsystems. The system monitor
provides a system status icon to summarize the alert condition, and the Alerts tab provides
detailed information about specific alerts. Alerts information is displayed only if the Neoview
platform is loaded with Release 2.4 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later software and you have sufficient
privileges to view the alerts.

The Alerts tab fetches alert details from a Neoview Repository view:


This view is a merge of the ALARMS and DIALOUTS tables in the repository. HPDM uses a
query to fetch this information. The query results are displayed in the Alerts tab data grid with
the most recent alerts at the top of the grid. The grid column names are the column names of the
NEO.HP_METRICS.ALERTS_VW2 Repository view.

By default, alert details are refreshed every 3 minutes, but the refresh rate is configurable. After
30 days (based on the alert creation date), alerts are no longer displayed, but you can change the
display period by configuring the Time Range in the Alerts Options dialog box.

Related Topics

“Control the Refresh of Alerts” (page 187)
“Use the Alerts Options Dialog Box” (page 186)
“Understand Privileges for Viewing and Updating Alerts” (page 182)



Understand Privileges for Viewing and Updating Alerts

By default, SUPER.SUPER, SUPER.SERVICES, and ROLE.DBA can view and update alerts. Other
users can view alerts if they are granted SELECT privileges on the
NEO.HP_METRICS.ALERTS_VW2 view, or if they are granted administrator privileges by an
administrator user.

Users who have SELECT privileges on the NEO.HP_METRICS.ALERTS_VW2 view cannot
necessarily update alerts. Users can update alerts if they are granted administrator privileges by
an administrator user or if they are granted UPDATE privileges on these columns of the Alarms







To view the alerts state and the details, a user must have SELECT privileges on the
NEO.HP_METRICS.ALERTS_VW2 view. This view is created by the Neoview Repository and
by default secured for SUPER.SUPER, SUPER.SERVICES, and ROLE.DBA.

The SUPER.SUPER user has implicit update privileges. For all other users, HPDM checks the
SQL privileges to verify that the current logged on user or role has update privileges for the
and all other roles. HPDM checks for update privileges on the whole table first. If those privileges


Respond to Alerts