5 perform basic hpdm operations, Get version and build information, Resolve errors and error messages – HP Neoview Release 2.5 Software User Manual

Page 47: Sort and move data columns

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5 Perform Basic HPDM Operations

Get Version and Build Information

Version and build information appears in the About HP Database Manager box. To access the
About box, select the Help > About menu in HPDM . The About HP Database Manager dialog
box displays the current build information about HPDM. The HPDM .exe version information
and the version procedure (VPROC) information is displayed. For example:

The About dialog box also displays information about the installed components:

Installed Components displays the components currently installed in this HPDM product

Description describes the components. Click the installed component to view a brief
description of the component.

Resolve Errors and Error Messages

If HPDM returns an error message that you don't understand or an error message that contains
a number, see the Neoview Messages Manual. This manual can be found with the Neoview customer
documentation on the Web site indicated by

“Resources on the Web” (page 17)


Related Topics

“Resources on the Web” (page 17)
“Related Documentation” (page 15)

Sort and Move Data Columns

You might want to see rows in an HPDM display (for example, a list of schemas) grouped by a
specific type of information. You can sort the displayed data based on column values. You can
also change the order of the columns by dragging a column heading to the left or right.

Get Version and Build Information