Set the connection timeout – HP Neoview Release 2.5 Software User Manual

Page 34

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Right-click the system icon, and select Test System.

Initiate a test from the Systems Tool:

Connect to the system as described in

“Connect to a System” (page 25)



Display the Systems Tool by selecting Tools > Systems Tool from the menu bar.


Select the connected system that you want to test.


Click [ Test ].

Selecting the Test System or [ Test ] command:

Causes an attempt to make a connection to the Neoview platform specified in the selected
system definition.

Returns a validating result in the Connection Test Result dialog box.


system definition
My Systems

Set the Connection Timeout

If you frequently receive connection timeout errors, you might want to increase the connection
timeout value. The ODBC driver default for login timeout is 15 seconds. However, when a system
is heavily loaded, establishing an ODBC connection can take more than 60 seconds, and sometimes
HPDM connections can time out under these conditions. HPDM allows you to override the
connection timeout specified in the client data source:

Note these considerations before setting the connection timeout:

The default value for the connection timeout option is 180 seconds (3 minutes).

The range is an integer value from 0 to 2,147,483,647 seconds.

Setting a value of 0 means no timeout.

Setting the connection timeout in this way does not address timeouts that might occur on
query execution.

To set the connection timeout:


Click the Options button (

) on the HPDM toolbar, or select Tools > Options to display

the Options dialog box.


Click the plus sign (+) next to the General option to display the suboptions, and select



In the right pane of the Options dialog box, type the number of seconds that you want to
specify for the connection timeout.


Click [ OK ].

Related Topics

“Control the Display of an Area” (page 37)
“Use the HPDM Toolbar” (page 44)


Connect and Disconnect