Parameters tab, Usage tab, Privileges tab – HP Neoview Release 2.5 Software User Manual

Page 86: Parameters tab usage tab privileges tab

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Creation Time: Time and date when the procedure was created. Timestamp is in the
format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.FFFFFF local time).

Redefinition Time: Time and date when the procedure was last redefined. Timestamp
is in the format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.FFFFFF local time).

Parameters Tab

To display the procedure parameter information:


Select a Schema in the navigation tree.


Click the Procedures tab in the right pane and select a procedure name, or open the
Procedures folder and select a procedure name in the tree.


Click the Parameters tab in the right pane.

In the right pane, these attributes are displayed:

Name: Name of the parameter.

Direction: The values displayed are: IN | OUT | INOUT.

IN passes data to the procedure. OUT accepts data from the procedure. This is the
default for array parameters. INOUT passes data to and accepts data from the procedure.

SQL Data Type: Specifies an SQL data type that corresponds to the Java parameter of
the procedure's Java method. For information on SQL data types, see the Neoview SQL
Reference Manual

Java Data Type: Specifies a mappable Java data type. For information on Java data
types, see the Neoview Guide to Stored Procedures in Java.

Usage Tab

To display the usage information for the procedure:


Select a Schema in the navigation tree.


Click the Procedures tab in the right pane and select a procedure name, or open the
Procedures folder and select a procedure name in the tree.


Click the Usage tab in the right pane.

In the right pane, these attributes are displayed:

Relationship: Specifies the relationship of the procedure with the object specified. The
value is “References.”

Related Object Type: Specifies the object type of the object that the procedure references.
The values are: “Table,” “Materialized View,” or “View.”

Related Object Name: Specifies the two-part ANSI object name with a hyperlink to the

Creation Time: Time and date when the procedure was created. Timestamp is in the
format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.FFFFFF local time).

Redefinition Time: Time and date when the procedure was last redefined. Timestamp
is in the format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.FFFFFF local time).

Privileges Tab

To display the privileges for the procedure:


Display Database Objects