Delete a jar file, Create a procedure, Delete a jar file create a procedure – HP Neoview Release 2.5 Software User Manual

Page 165

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You can rename only one JAR file at a time.


To select a row, click the File Size value rather than the File Name. If you click the

File Name

, HPDM changes the display to provide detailed information about the selected

JAR file.


Click Rename. A Confirm dialog box asks you to confirm the Rename operation.


Click Yes to continue. Otherwise, click No to end the operation.


When you are done, click File > Exit or the Close button ([ X ]) to close the Procedure Code
File Tool

dialog box and return to the HPDM main window.

Delete a JAR File

This procedure deletes one or more JAR files on the Neoview platform


Deleting a JAR file might leave a dangling stored procedure reference in the Neoview

database. A dangling reference might cause errors when an application tries to execute the stored
procedure. To prevent dangling references, drop the stored procedure from the database before
deleting the JAR file. For information about dropping a stored procedure, see

“Drop a Procedure”

(page 169)


To delete a JAR file:


In HPDM, select the Database area. For more information, see

“Select an Area” (page 35)



In the navigation tree pane, right-click a schema name, and select Procedure Code File

. The Procedure Code File Tool window appears.


In the left pane of the Procedure Code Files Tool, open the folder for your Neoview role or
user ID to display the JAR files within it.


If you selected the folder for your role, note that the Procedure Code File Tool

shows all of the JAR files for the Neoview role that you used to connect to the current system.
The role is your default role unless you specified a different role in the system definition.


Select the JAR file(s) that you want to delete.


To select a row, click the File Size value rather than the File Name. If you click the

File Name

, HPDM changes the display to provide detailed information about the selected

JAR file.


Click Delete. A Warning dialog box asks you to confirm the Delete operation.


Click Yes to continue. Otherwise, click No to end the operation.


When you are done, click File > Exit or the Close button (

) to close the Procedure Code

File Tool

dialog box and return to the HPDM main window.

Create a Procedure

Create Procedure

registers an existing Java method as a stored procedure in Java (SPJ) within

Neoview SQL.


HPDM creates procedures with default privileges only. For more information about

privileges for SPJs, see the Neoview Guide to Stored Procedures in Java.


Delete a JAR File