Query information – HP Neoview Release 2.5 Software User Manual

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Diagnostic information displayed by the Workload Detail dialog box is intended for

use by HP support. If you have questions about query diagnostic information, contact your HP
support representative.

The Workload Detail dialog box is mostly informational. If a query has a rule or service level
associated with it, the Warn Level indicator indicates if the rule has been violated. The warning
levels are:

NOWARN (green)

LOW (yellow)

MEDIUM (orange)

HIGH (red)

For more information about workload management, see the Neoview Workload Management Services
. You can find this guide on the Neoview customer documentation Web site. See


on the Web” (page 17)


This table describes the Workload Detail buttons and options:



Displays the Warn Info dialog box, listing rules information for the query.
This dialog box can show the status for multiple warning levels associated
with the selected query.

[ View ]

Displays the text for any query that belongs to a service that has text enabled
in WMS or displays the text obtained from the repository if text is not
available in WMS.

[ SQL Text ]

Displays the query plan if SQL Plan is enabled in WMS.

[ SQL Plan ]

Cancels the query. See

“Cancel a Query From System Offender” (page 207)


[ Cancel Query ]

Shows you the rules associated with a service. Select a rule or service and
click [ Service Info ] or [ Rule Info ] to get more information about a rule or

[ Rules Assoc ]

Shows the data that is currently registered in the Neoview Repository for
the specified query. Use this button to validate information for long-running

[ Repository Info ]

Refreshes all workload information manually. When you refresh the display,
some information appears in blue text. Blue text indicates a value that
changed since the last refresh. To configure an automatic refresh, select the
Auto Refresh


[ Refresh ]

Select this option, and move the slider below it to refresh the workload
information automatically after an interval of seconds that you specify. Note
that when the display refreshes, some information appears in blue text. Blue
text indicates a value that changed since the last refresh.

Auto Refresh

The following tables describe individual fields in the Workload Detail dialog box:

Query Information



Group Box

Query identifier



State of the query


Substate of the query



Find Offending Processes and Queries