Which servers are compatible with the hpdm client – HP Neoview Release 2.5 Software User Manual

Page 21

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Support for stored procedures in Java (SPJs)
— Display a list of jar files uploaded by users in your current role
— Display a list of classes in a jar file
— Display a list of methods in a class file
— Download one or more jar files from the Neoview platform to the workstation
— Upload jar files from a workstation to the Neoview platform
— Rename or remove an uploaded jar file
— Create an SPJ by using a jar file uploaded by you or another user in your current role
— Delete an SPJ created by you or another user in your current role
— Deploy jar files either to a public folder accessible by all users for a given role or to a

private folder accessible only by the given user

Security features
— Manage certificates, including the ability to generate self-signed certificates or use

certificates signed by a certificate authority

— Add and edit directory servers in LDAP installations
— Manage security policies, which include policies for certificates, passwords (user and

role), and the logging of user activities

Which Servers Are Compatible With the HPDM Client?

The Release 2.5 HPDM client can connect to platforms running Neoview Release 2.4 and later.
However, not all features available in the current release are available in down-rev releases. If
a feature is not available, HPDM either hides the feature or returns an error message.

For more information about client/server compatibility, see the Neoview Client and Platform
Compatibility Reference
available with the Neoview customer documentation.

Related Topics

“Get Version and Build Information” (page 47)
“Resources on the Web” (page 17)

Which Servers Are Compatible With the HPDM Client?