HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software User Manual
Page 319

7. Utility Reference
box, and then click the OK button.
In the Computer Management window, choose Device Manager. From the View
menu, select Show hidden devices. Right-click Cluster Disk Driver from
Non-Plug and Play Drivers in the right window, and then choose Disabled. The
message Disabling this device will cause it to stop functioning. Do you really
want to disable it? is displayed. Choose Yes.
A message prompting you to restart the system is displayed. Choose Yes. The
system will restart and the Cluster Disk Driver will be disabled.
dlmpr -d
The following shows what happens when this utility is executed. The persistent
reservation remains whenever KeyCount is not 0.
>dlmpr -d
PathID PathName KeyCount
ReservedKey Type
000000 0001.0000.0000000000000000.0000 1
200000E08B1059EC ExclusiveAccessRegistrantOnly
000001 0001.0000.0000000000000000.0001 1
200000E08B1059EC ExclusiveAccessRegistrantOnly
KAPL10640-I The dlmpr utility completed normally.
dlmpr -c
From the displayed list, enter the path ID where KeyCount is not 0. A
confirmation message is displayed twice. Check the message and enter
. The
persistent reservation is cleared. Repeat the procedure until KeyCount for all the
paths is changed to 0. The following shows what happens when executing this
>dlmpr -c
PathID PathName KeyCount
ReservedKey Type
000000 0001.0000.0000000000000000.0000 1
200000E08B1059EC ExclusiveAccessRegistrantOnly
000001 0001.0000.0000000000000000.0001 1
200000E08B1059EC ExclusiveAccessRegistrantOnly
KAPL10655-I Specify the PathID of the LU for which you want
to clear persistent reservation information. (To cancel,
press the x key):0
KAPL10656-I The persistent reservation information of PathID
= 0 will be cleared. Is this OK? [y/n]:y
KAPL10657-I If you continue this process, the reservation of