HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software User Manual
Page 186

3. Creating an HDLM Environment
Log on as a member of the Administrators group.
Stop all the processes and services that use the HDLM management-target paths.
Stop any processes or application services, such as a DBMS, that are using the
HDLM management-target paths.
In Windows Server 2008, if you are not logged on as an administrator, use the
Run as administrator functionality.
Stop MSCS or VCS on all the hosts that make up the cluster.
When MSCS is used, follow the procedure described below.
Choose Administrative Tools and then Services. In the list of services,
right-click Cluster Service, and then from the Action menu choose Stop to stop
the service.
A message prompting you to restart the system might be displayed. If this
happens, choose No.
If a host and a storage system are connected via multiple paths, reconfigure it so
that only one path connects the host to the storage system.
Uninstalling HDLM in a multi-path configuration, might cause the disk contents
to become corrupted when the host restarts. Make sure that you uninstall HDLM
from a single path configuration only.
Figure 3-7: Single Path Configuration and Multi-path Configuration shows a
single path configuration and a multi-path configuration.