HP StorageWorks 2.12 Edge Switch User Manual
Page 186

Optional Features
Edge Switch Element Manager User Guide
If Rerouting Delay is enabled, traffic ceases in the fabric for the time specified
in the E_D_TOV field of the Configure Fabric Parameters dialog box
(Configure menu). This delay enables frames sent on the old path to exit to
their destination before new frames begin traversing the new path.
If Enterprise Fabric Mode is enabled, this option is automatically enabled and
cannot be disabled unless the switch is offline. In this case, disabling
Rerouting Delay also disables Enterprise Fabric Mode.
Domain RSCNs
This is a parameter in the Configure Switch Parameters dialog box, available
from the Configure menu in the Element Manager. Domain register for state
change notifications (domain RSCNs) are sent between end devices in a fabric
to provide additional connection information to HBAs and storage devices. As
an example, this information might be that a logical path has been broken
because of a physical event, such as a fiber optic cable being disconnected
from a port.
If Enterprise Fabric Mode is enabled, this parameter is automatically enabled
and cannot be disabled unless the switch is offline. In this case, disabling
Domain RSCNs also disables Enterprise Fabric Mode.
Insistent Domain Identification (ID)
This is a parameter in the Configure Switch Parameters dialog box, available
from the Configure menu in the Element Manager. Enabling this option sets
the domain ID configured in the Preferred Domain ID field in the Configure
Switch Parameters dialog box as the active domain identification when the
fabric initializes. A static and unique domain identification is required by the
Fabric Binding feature because the feature's Fabric Membership list identifies
switches by WWN and Domain ID. If a duplicate preferred domain ID is
used, then insisted, warnings occur when directors and switches are added to a
Fabric Membership List.
If Fabric Binding or Enterprise Fabric Mode is enabled, this option is
automatically enabled and cannot be disabled unless these options are
disabled or the switch is offline. Disabling insistent domain ID will disable
Enterprise Fabric Mode and Fabric Binding.