Rainbow Electronics W90N740 User Manual

Page 93

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Publication Release Date: November 26, 2004

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Revision A4

SPCRC [5]: Accept Strip CRC Value
Default value: 0
Set this bit to enable MAC to check the CRC and then strip it from the message.

AEP [4]: Accept Error Packet
Default value: 0
Set this bit to enable MAC to accept error (CRC error) packet.

ACP [3]: Accept Control Packet

Default value : 0
Set this bit to enable accept control packets.

ARP [2]: Accept Runt Packet

Default value: 0
Set this bit to enable accepting frames with lengths less than 64 bytes.

ALP [1]: Accept Long Packet
Default value: 0
Set this bit to enable accepting frames with lengths greater than 1518 bytes.

RXON [0]: Receive ON

Default value: 0

This bit is set to enable MAC reception operation. If the bit is clear, receptions will stop after the
current packet is received completely. Users should change the bit when the MAC is in idle state.