Rainbow Electronics W90N740 User Manual

Page 134

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RW_TC [23]: Read/Write terminal count output selection.

(This is for PCMCIA application in DMA mode, will be active during the final data transfer.)

If RW_TC [23]=0, output to nRTC.

If RW_TC [23]=1, output to nWTC.

SABNDERR [22]: Source address Boundary alignment Error flag

If TWS [13:12]=10, GDMA_SRCB [1:0] should be 00
If TWS [13:12]=01, GDMA_SRCB [0] should be 0
The address boundary alignment should be depended on TWS [13:12].
0 = the GDMA_SRCB is on the boundary alignment.
1 = the GDMA_SRCB not on the boundary alignment
The SABNDERR register bits just can be read only.

DABNDERR [21]: Destination address Boundary alignment Error flag

If TWS [13:12]=10, GDMA_DSTB [1:0] should be 00
If TWS [13:12]=01, GDMA_DSTB [0] should be 0
The address boundary alignment should be depended on TWS [13:12].
0 = the GDMA_DSTB is on the boundary alignment.
1 = the GDMA_DSTB not on the boundary alignment
The DABNDERR register bits just can be read only.

GDMATERR [20]: GDMA Transfer Error

O = No error occurs
1 = Hardware sets this bit on a GDMA transfer failure
Transfer error will generate GDMA interrupt

AUTOIEN [19]: Auto initialization Enable

0 = Disables auto initialization

1 = Enables auto initialization, the GDMA_CSRC0/1,GDMA_CDST0/1,and GDMA_CTCNT0/1 registers

are updated by the GDMA_SRC0/1,GDMA_DST0/1,and GDMA_TCNT0/1 registers automatically
when transfer is complete.

TC [18]: Terminal Count

0 = Channel does not expire

1 = Channel expires; this bit is set only by GDMA hardware, and clear by software to write logic 0.

TC [18] is the GDMA interrupt flag. TC [18] or GDMATERR[20] will generate interrupt