H3C Technologies H3C SR8800 User Manual

Page 398

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Configure the minimum interval for transmitting BFD control packets as 500 milliseconds.

[RouterC-GigabitEthernet3/1/1] bfd min-transmit-interval 500

Configure the minimum interval for receiving BFD control packets as 500 milliseconds.

[RouterC-GigabitEthernet3/1/1] bfd min-receive-interval 500

Configure the detect multiplier as 7.

[RouterC-GigabitEthernet3/1/1] bfd detect-multiplier 7


Verify the configuration:
The following operations are performed on Router C. Operations on Router A and Router B are
similar. (Details not shown)
# Display detailed BFD session information.

display bfd session verbose

Total session number: 1 Up session number: 1 Init Mode: Active

IPv6 Session Working Under Ctrl Mode:

Local Discr: 17 Remote Discr: 13

Source IP: 3002::2

Destination IP: 3001::1

Session State: Up Interface: GigabitEthernet3/1/1

Min Trans Inter: 500ms Act Trans Inter: 500ms

Min Recv Inter: 500ms Act Detect Inter: 3500ms

Running Up for: 00:00:06 Auth mode: none

Connect Type: Indirect Board Num: 0

Protocol: BGP6

Diag Info: No Diagnostic

The output shows that a BFD session is established between Router A’s GigabitEthernet 3/1/2 and

Router C’s GigabitEthernet 3/1/2 and that BFD runs properly.
# Display IPv6 peer information on Router C, and you can see that the neighborship between
Router A and Router C is established.

display bgp ipv6 peer

BGP local router ID :

Local AS number : 200

Total number of peers : 2 Peers in established state : 2

Peer AS MsgRcvd MsgSent OutQ PrefRcv Up/Down State

2001::1 200 7 10 0 0 00:01:05 Established

3001::1 200 7 10 0 0 00:01:34 Established

# Display route 1200::0/64 on Router C, and you can see that Router A and Router C
communicate through Router B.

display ipv6 routing-table 1200::0 64 verbose

Routing Table :

Summary Count : 2

Destination : 1200:: PrefixLength : 64

NextHop : 3001::1 Preference : 255

IpPrecedence : QosLcId :

RelayNextHop : FE80::3EE5:A6FF:FED1:A56E Tag : 0H

Neighbor : 3001::1 ProcessID : 0

Interface : GigabitEthernet3/1/1 Protocol : BGP4+

State : Active Adv GotQ Cost : 50

Tunnel ID : 0x0 Label : NULL