H3C Technologies H3C SR8800 User Manual
Page 388
[CE1-LoopBack0] ipv6 address 1::1/128
[CE1-LoopBack0] quit
# Configure an IPv6 static route to PE 1.
[CE1] ipv6 route-static :: 0 Pos2/1/2
Configure PE 1:
# Enable IPv6 packet forwarding, MPLS and LDP.
[PE1] ipv6
[PE1] mpls lsr-id
[PE1] mpls
[PE1-mpls] lsp-trigger all
[PE1-mpls] quit
[PE1] mpls ldp
[PE1-mpls-ldp] quit
# Configure an IPv6 link-local address for Pos2/1/2.
[PE1] interface Pos 2/1/2
[PE1-Pos2/1/2] ipv6 address auto link-local
[PE1-Pos2/1/2] quit
# Configure an IP address for Pos2/1/3 and enable MPLS and LDP.
[PE1] interface Pos 2/1/3
[PE1-Pos2/1/3] ip address 16
[PE1-Pos2/1/3] mpls
[PE1-Pos2/1/3] mpls ldp
[PE1-Pos2/1/3] quit
# Configure IP addresses for Loopback 0.
[PE1] interface loopback 0
[PE1-LoopBack0] ip address 32
[PE1-LoopBack0] ipv6 address 2::2/128
[PE1-LoopBack0] quit
# Configure IBGP, enable the peer’s 6PE capabilities, and redistribute IPv6 direct and static
[PE1] bgp 65100
[PE1-bgp] peer as-number 65100
[PE1-bgp] peer connect-interface loopback 0
[PE1-bgp] ipv6-family
[PE1-bgp-af-ipv6] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-af-ipv6] import-route static
[PE1-bgp-af-ipv6] peer enable
[PE1-bgp-af-ipv6] peer label-route-capability
[PE1-bgp-af-ipv6] quit
[PE1-bgp] quit
# Configure the static route to CE 1.
[PE1] ipv6 route-static 1::1 128 Pos2/1/2
# Configure OSPF for LSP establishment.
[PE1] ospf
[PE1-ospf-1] area 0
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