H3C Technologies H3C SR8800 User Manual
Page 344
to SHA1; create an IPsec policy named policy001, specify the manual mode for it, reference IPsec
proposal tran1, set the SPIs of the inbound and outbound SAs to 12345, and the keys for the
inbound and outbound SAs using ESP to abcdefg; create an IPsec proposal named tran2, and set
the encapsulation mode to transport mode, the security protocol to ESP, the encryption algorithm
to DES, and authentication algorithm to SHA1; create an IPsec policy named policy002, specify
the manual mode for it, reference IPsec proposal tran2, set the SPIs of the inbound and outbound
SAs to 54321, and the keys for the inbound and outbound SAs using ESP to gfedcba.
[RouterB] ipsec proposal tran1
[RouterB-ipsec-proposal-tran1] encapsulation-mode transport
[RouterB-ipsec-proposal-tran1] transform esp
[RouterB-ipsec-proposal-tran1] esp encryption-algorithm des
[RouterB-ipsec-proposal-tran1] esp authentication-algorithm sha1
[RouterB-ipsec-proposal-tran1] quit
[RouterB] ipsec policy policy001 10 manual
[RouterB-ipsec-policy-manual-policy001-10] proposal tran1
[RouterB-ipsec-policy-manual-policy001-10] sa spi outbound esp 12345
[RouterB-ipsec-policy-manual-policy001-10] sa spi inbound esp 12345
[RouterB-ipsec-policy-manual-policy001-10] sa string-key outbound esp abcdefg
[RouterB-ipsec-policy-manual-policy001-10] sa string-key inbound esp abcdefg
[RouterB-ipsec-policy-manual-policy001-10] quit
[RouterB] ipsec proposal tran2
[RouterB-ipsec-proposal-tran2] encapsulation-mode transport
[RouterB-ipsec-proposal-tran2] transform esp
[RouterB-ipsec-proposal-tran2] esp encryption-algorithm des
[RouterB-ipsec-proposal-tran2] esp authentication-algorithm sha1
[RouterB-ipsec-proposal-tran2] quit
[RouterB] ipsec policy policy002 10 manual
[RouterB-ipsec-policy-manual-policy002-10] proposal tran2
[RouterB-ipsec-policy-manual-policy002-10] sa spi outbound esp 54321
[RouterB-ipsec-policy-manual-policy002-10] sa spi inbound esp 54321
[RouterB-ipsec-policy-manual-policy002-10] sa string-key outbound esp gfedcba
[RouterB-ipsec-policy-manual-policy002-10] sa string-key inbound esp gfedcba
[RouterB-ipsec-policy-manual-policy002-10] quit
# On Router C, create an IPsec proposal named tran2, and set the encapsulation mode to
transport mode, the security protocol to ESP, the encryption algorithm to DES, and authentication
algorithm to SHA1; create an IPsec policy named policy002, specify the manual mode for it,
reference IPsec proposal tran2, set the SPIs of the inbound and outbound SAs to 54321, and the
keys for the inbound and outbound SAs using ESP to gfedcba.
[RouterC] ipsec proposal tran2
[RouterC-ipsec-proposal-tran2] encapsulation-mode transport
[RouterC-ipsec-proposal-tran2] transform esp
[RouterC-ipsec-proposal-tran2] esp encryption-algorithm des
[RouterC-ipsec-proposal-tran2] esp authentication-algorithm sha1
[RouterC-ipsec-proposal-tran2] quit
[RouterC] ipsec policy policy002 10 manual
[RouterC-ipsec-policy-manual-policy002-10] proposal tran2
[RouterC-ipsec-policy-manual-policy002-10] sa spi outbound esp 54321
[RouterC-ipsec-policy-manual-policy002-10] sa spi inbound esp 54321
[RouterC-ipsec-policy-manual-policy002-10] sa string-key outbound esp gfedcba
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