Adobe Premiere Pro CC v.7.xx User Manual
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Camera 1 clip. In most scenarios, the Automatic preset is the appropriate setting. For advanced workflows, like editing a sequence using proxy
resolution clips, you can choose a specific sequence preset. You can then use a higher resolution/frame size clips for the final edit.
Offset audio and moving source clips
If a separately recorded audio track is out of sync with the video clip, you can add a frame offset using the Offset Audio by option. You can
enter video frames in the range -100 to +100 for sync offset for the audio-only clip.
Use the Move Source Clips to Processed Clips bin option to move the generated source clips to a Processed Clips bin. If a Processed Clips
bin does not exist, Premiere Pro creates one before moving the clips into it. Clips that did not meet the synchronization criteria are left
outside the Processed Clips bin. This option makes it easy to identify clips that were not used in the resulting multicam source sequence.
Audio sequence settings
Sequence Settings determines how the audio tracks in the source sequence are populated, how the panning and channel assignments are set
and whether they are muted.
Select Camera 1 when only the audio from Camera 1 is used in the editing sequence. Multicam editing is enabled for only the video portion
of the source sequence.
If you use A/V clips to create this sequence, the audio tracks for all audio associated with video 1 are unmuted. Other audio in the source
sequence is muted.
If you use audio-only clips with video or A/V clips, the audio-only clips are placed in the topmost tracks, and are unmuted. Other audio (from
any linked clips) is muted and placed in lower tracks. The channel assignments and panning of each track are set to transfer each source
channel to independent output channels (up to 32). The number of unmuted channels of source audio determines the number of active
output channels of the sequence.
Note: You cannot use the audio follows video option in editing sequences created with this setting, because the audio portion is not
Select All Cameras to use all audio channels in the source clips. This setting is similar to the Camera 1 setting. Only the video portion of the
source sequence is multicam-enabled. Audio-follows-video is not supported for this setting. All audio is unmuted (up to 32 channels). The
number of unmuted channels of source audio determines the number of active output channels of the sequence.
Select Switch Audio when you want the audio to switch with its linked video. This setting unmutes all audio. It enables multicam editing on
both the video and audio of the source sequence, when the audio follows video setting is enabled in the Program monitor. This setting also
maps multi-mono source audio into a single adaptive audio track. In addition, the audio-follows-video editing setting switches this single track
with the video. If audio-only clips are included in the selection of clips, the audio-only clips are placed in tracks below any linked clips. Empty
video tracks are created to match up with every audio-only track.
For more information, see this video by Josh Weiss on
Audio Channels Preset
The Audio Channels preset determines how the resulting source sequence is mapped. Details include, the type and number of audio tracks that
are dropped when the source sequence is nested into the editing sequence.
Note: For the resulting source sequence to map correctly with the audio channels, the number of tracks in the source clips should not be greater
than the channels associated with the preset you choose.
Automatic: Reads the audio type of the first clip and uses this mapping
Mono: Maps to as many mono channels as there are output channels in the source sequence.
Stereo: Maps to stereo tracks based on the number of output channels in the source sequence.
5.1: Maps to 5.1 tracks based on the number of output channels in the source sequence.
Adaptive: Maps to Adaptive based on the number of output channels in the source sequence.
Camera Names
When creating a multi-camera source sequence, you can display the camera names as clip names or track names. These options are available in