Source patching and track targeting, Using source patchers and source track indicators – Adobe Premiere Pro CC v.7.xx User Manual
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Source patching and track targeting
Keywords: Video patching, track targeting, targeting tracks, video editing, source patching, source sequences
New in Premiere Pro CC
Adobe® Premiere® Pro lets you use source patcher presets to control insert and overwrite operations on your clips. This feature simplifies the edit
workflow, without taking away your ability to overwrite an empty gap.
Premiere Pro decouples source indicators from target tracks. Premiere Pro uses Source track indicators for the Insert and Overwrite operations. It
uses track targets for Paste, Match Frame, Go To Next/Previous Edit, and other edit operations.
Using source patchers and source track indicators
Source patchers have three states: On, Off, Black/Silent. One patch is displayed for each video and audio track for the item in the Source monitor.
When an item is in the On state, the corresponding track is included in an edit operation.
When the track is in the Off state, edit changes are not reflected in the track.
When the track is in the Black/Silent state, a gap appears on the track instead of placing the source material.
Single-click a source indicator to toggle between the On and Off states. Press the Alt key to toggle to the Black/Silent state. Press Alt + Shift to
apply the operation to all source indicators of the same media type.
You can drag an assigned source track indicator and assign it to another track:
If the source track indicator is disabled, dragging it enables the indicator.
If the source track indicator is enabled already, dragging the indicator doesn't change its state.
If the destination track has another source track indicator, the two indicators swap tracks.
You can drag source indicators of the same type (audio or video) simultaneously while maintaining the relative vertical spacing between the two.
Press Shift while you click and then drag an assigned source track indicator.
If you click an empty source track indicator, the closest indicator above moves down to the track. If there is no indicator above, the closest
indicator below moves up to the track.
If you press Alt/Opt while clicking an empty source track indicator, the closest indicator below moves up to the track. If there is no indicator
below, the closest indicator above moves down to the track.
When there aren't enough tracks to display the source tracks, the last clip track contains a + icon in the source indicator column. If you click the
icon, new tracks are added to match the source.