Edit an offline clip relink an offline clip, Edit an offline clip, Relink an offline clip – Adobe Premiere Pro CC v.7.xx User Manual
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To be eligible for capture, an offline clip must contain at least a tape name, filename, and Media Start and Media End settings.
It is not possible to create an offline merged clip from scratch.
Edit an offline clip
You can edit an offline clip. You can give it new start and end points, tape name and filename, and a new audio format. You can specify whether it
contains audio only, video only, or audio and video. When an edited offline clip is placed in sequences, it retains the updated settings. These
updated settings also are used for subsequent batch capture.
1. Do one of the following in a Project panel:
Double-click the offline clip,
Select the offline clip. Then choose Clip > Edit Offline.
You can assign a keyboard shortcut to the Clip > Edit Offline command.
The Edit Offline File dialog box opens.
2. Edit settings as needed, and then click OK.
You cannot edit ‘contains’ or ‘audio format’ for an offline clip if it is located in the timeline.
Relink an offline clip
You can link an offline clip to a source file, even to a source file different from the one from which the offline clip was made. The linked source file
appears anywhere the offline clip is used in a project. It is possible, for example, to edit an online clip in a sequence, make its source offline, and
link the offline clip to another source file. The new source appears in the sequence wherever the original one did.
You can link offline clips to video files, audio files, and still-image files. However, you cannot link an offline clip to a still-image sequence different
from its original source file. Instead, import new still-image sequences, and place them into timelines manually.
You can link an offline clip containing audio to a source file containing no audio. Premiere Pro deletes the audio track in all instances of the
relinked clip from the project.
To link the audio of a new source file, the source file must have the same type of audio track as the offline clip. For example, if the offline
clip has a stereo audio track, you cannot link it to a source file with a monaural audio track.
1. In the Project panel, select one or more offline clips.
2. Choose Project > Link Media.
3. Select the source file, and click Select.
If you selected more than one offline clip, the Link Media To dialog box appears in turn for each clip you selected. The title bar of the
dialog box gives the filename for each offline clip. Relink the correct source file to each offline clip. If all of the offline clips selected point to
media in the same folder, the Link MediaTo dialog asks for the first file, then links the selected offline clips to all the files in the same folder
as the file selected. If you link to a file from a different project, and if that project has the same folder structure and folder names as the first
project, the Link Media To dialog box asks for the first file, and then links the selected offline clips to all the files in the other project.
4. (Optional) If you selected a source file containing no audio to link to an offline clip containing audio, the Media Mismatch dialog box appears.
Do one of the following: