Performing a timeline trim – Adobe Premiere Pro CC v.7.xx User Manual
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Select Nearest Edit Point
Go to Next Edit Point and Go to Previous Edit Point
Go to Next Edit Point on Any Track and Go to Previous Edit Point on Any Track
Toggle Trim Type
There are keyboard shortcuts for selecting edit points that use the playhead position and track targets.
Unlike selecting with the mouse, edit points on linked clips are not automatically selected unless the associated tracks are also targeted.
There are 5 "Select Nearest Edit Point" shortcuts you can assign in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box, one for each
type of trim:
Select Nearest Edit Point as Ripple In
Select Nearest Edit Point as Ripple Out
Select Nearest Edit Point as Trim In
Select Nearest Edit Point as Trim Out
Select Nearest Edit Point as Rolling
If the playhead is not already at an edit point, it is moved to the nearest edit point either forward or backward. Then the edit points at the playhead
on all targeted tracks are added to the current edit point selection, using the type of trim for the particular shortcut. You can use the menu item (or
shortcut) for Deselect All to deselect edit points before using these shortcuts to start a new selection.
Moves the playhead to the closest next or previous edit point on the targeted tracks. They
maintain edit point selection at the playhead on targeted tracks, using the same type of trim as the previous selection. When there is no active edit
point selection, these shortcuts only move the playhead.
In trim mode, you can move to the next and previous edit points with the same shortcuts without leaving trim mode and edit points remain
Moves the playhead to another selected edit point, except
that all tracks are considered, not only targeted tracks. The playhead is moved, but edit points do not move. This shortcut exits trim mode.
Cycles between the types of trims in the current edit point selection. Using the keyboard shortcut Shift+T (Windows), or Ctrl+T
(Mac OS), the cycling order is Ripple Out, Ripple In, Trim Out, Trim In, and rolling. The trim type is changed from the current type to the next type
in the order, wrapping back to Ripple Out from Rolling.
Performing a Timeline trim
Trims can be performed in the Timeline three different ways:
The edit points can be dragged with the mouse to a new position in time.
Keyboard shortcuts can be used to trim all selected edit points to the right or the left by one or more frames.
Type frame amounts the numeric keypad with "+" and "-" and the Enter key to trim all the selected edit points forward, or backward.
When using the numeric keypad to type a number of frames to trim, you do not need to type the "+" sign when entering positive numbers.
The keyboard shortcuts and the +/- keypad entry can also be used in the Program Monitor in trim mode. In addition, there are several buttons and
other user interface elements such as the video displays in the Program Monitor that can be used to perform a trim during trim mode. See
You can only trim a clip longer until you encounter another clip in the same track, and you cannot perform a trim beyond the duration of the media
in the clip. When trimming multiple tracks, you can trim until either you encounter another clip in the same track, or you reach the duration of the
shortest clip in the group.
Performing ripple trims can cause clips on different tracks to get out
tracks shift during a ripple trim. Out-of-sync indicators draw in the visible part of a clip in the Timeline, not just at the head of the clip. That way, if
you zoom in or scrolling so that the head isn't visible, you can still see that a clip is out-of-sync with its linked parts.
Trim by dragging with the mouse
After selecting one or more edit points, you can simply drag the edit point selection in the Timeline to perform a trim. While dragging, the cursor
changes to the appropriate trim type based on the edit point that is clicked to start the drag.
When dragging an edit point with the mouse in the Timeline, the trim snaps to other edit points, markers, and the playhead if the Snap button is