Enhanced edl export dialog, Reveal in project from source monitor – Adobe Premiere Pro CC v.7.xx User Manual
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1. Right-click (Win) or Ctrl-click (Mac) an offline sequence and select Link Media from the context menu. All the clips used in that sequence
appear in the Locate Media dialog.
2. Relink the offline sequences just as you would relink any selection of offline clips.
Alternatively, in the Timeline panel, right-click (Win) or Ctrl-click (Mac OS) a sequence tab, and select Link Media from the context menu.
Enhanced EDL Export dialog
In previous versions of Premiere Pro, you manually deleted key tracks and transitions to create simple EDL (Edit Decision List) files. You can now
exclude key tracks and transitions directly from the EDL Export dialog.
The EDL export dialog includes two new options that let you include or exclude key tracks and transitions.
Include Key Track
Include Transitions
By default, the Include Key Track option is deselected and the Include Transitions option is selected.
To export an EDL without transitions or key clips, deselect Include Transitions or Include Key Track. The transitions and V2 clips are retained in
the sequence.
Reveal in Project from Source Monitor
A clip displayed in the Source Monitor can be easily located in the Project panel.
Load a clip in the Source monitor and right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Mac OS) a clip in a sequence, and choose Reveal In Project. Premiere
Pro then locates the source clip in the Project panel and selects it.
Linked Selection toggle button available from Timeline
Premiere Pro provides a Linked Selection command that can be applied to all open sequences in the Timeline panels. You can use the Linked
Selection command as a toggle that you can turn on and off. Linked Selection is turned on by default.
The Linked Selection command is available as a button from the Timeline, and from the Sequence menu. You can also assign a keyboard shortcut