Adobe Premiere Pro CC v.7.xx User Manual
Page 492
Black Output slider
White Output slider
Black Level eyedropper
Gray Level eyedropper
White Level eyedropper
Black Input Level slider
Gray Input Level slider
White Input Level slider
7. Use the Output Levels slider controls to set the maximum black and white levels:
Controls the resulting output of the shadows. The default is 0, where the pixels are completely black. Moving the slider
to the right specifies a lighter value for the darkest shadow.
Controls the resulting output of the highlights. The default is 255, where the pixels are completely white. Moving the
slider to the left specifies a darker value for the brightest highlight.
If the YC Waveform is displayed in a Reference Monitor, adjust the Black Output and White Output sliders so the maximum black and
white levels of the waveform are within 7.5 to 100 IRE. This ensures that the levels are within broadcast standards.
Original image (left); blacks and whites corrected to broadcast limits (right)
8. Use the following controls to set the black, gray, and white input levels:
Maps the sampled tone to the setting of the Black Output slider. Click an area in the Program Monitor that you
want to be the darkest value in the image. You can also click the color swatch to open the Adobe Color Picker and select a color to define
the darkest shadow in the image.
Maps the sampled tone to a medium gray (level 128). This changes the intensity values of the middle range of gray
tones without dramatically altering the highlights and shadows. You can also click the color swatch to open the Adobe Color Picker and
select a color to define the medium gray in the image.
Maps the sampled tone to the setting of the White Output slider. Click an area in the Program Monitor that you
want to be the lightest value in the image. You can also click the color swatch to open the Adobe Color Picker and select a color to define
the lightest highlight in the image.
Maps the input black level to the setting of the Black Output slider. By default, the Output black slider is set to 0,
where the pixels are completely black. If you’ve adjusted the Black Output to 7.5 IRE or higher, the darkest shadow will be mapped to that
Controls the midtones and changes the intensity values of the middle range of gray tones without dramatically
altering the highlights and shadows.
Maps the input white level to the setting of the White Output slider. By default, the Output white slider is set to
255, where the pixels are completely white. If you’ve adjusted the White Output to 100 IRE or lower, the lightest highlight will be mapped to
that level.
You can also adjust the Input and Output levels by scrubbing the underlined text or typing a value for Input Black Level, Input Gray
Level, Input White Level, Output Black Level, and Output White Level.