Adobe Premiere Pro CC v.7.xx User Manual
Page 289

To insert, drag one or more clips, and press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) as you release the mouse button and drop the clip or
clips into a new location. Clips in all tracks to the right of the drop point shift to the right of the inserted clips. A gap remains in the track
from which you move the inserted clips.
Move clips using the keypad
You can change the position of a clip in a sequence by typing the number of frames that you want to move.
1. Select the clip in the sequence.
2. Using your numeric keypad with Num Lock on, type + (plus) and the number of frames that you want to move the clip to the right, or type -
(minus) and the number of frames you want to move the clip to the left. Then, press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS).
If any gaps exist between clips, those gaps are filled first. Then, the selected clip overwrites adjacent clips by the remaining number of
Move clips to a different track
Drag the audio portion or video portion of a clip up or down into the track you want. Only the portion of the clip you drag will move into a new
When dragging audio, you can drop it into the next compatible track, or if one doesn’t exist (for example, if you are dragging stereo audio
and only a mono track exists), a new one is created.
In Premiere Pro CS7, you can use keyboard shortcuts to move clips to a different track: Nudge Clip Selection Up and Nudge Clip Selection
Select one or more clips in the Timeline panel, and then use either command to move the clip(s) to a new track. The selected clips move
one track vertically if all selected clips can be moved; otherwise, no clips are moved. All clips keep their same start and end time horizontally.
For video clips, moving up increases the track number (for example, V2 to V3), whereas for audio clips, moving up decreases the track
number (for example, A2 to A1). Moving down decreases video track numbers and increases audio track numbers. If you move a clip beyond
the current set of tracks, a new track may be added.
The command will fail to move any clips if any of the following are true:
The move would place the clip before track 1 (for example, you can't move a clip on Video 1 on a lower track, or move a clip on Audio 1 to a
higher track). If you attempt to move a clip in this way, a tooltip will appear in the middle of the Timeline panel: "Media limit on V1" or "Media
limit on A1".
The move would place the clip on a locked track. If you attempt to move a clip in this way, a tooltip will appear, indicating "Media limit" on the
track that cannot be moved because of an adjacent locked track.
A clip can overwrite any part of another clip on the track it is being moved to. If you wan to move a clip to a different track without
overwriting other clips, drag the clip to the new track instead of using keyboard shortcuts.
Rearrange clips in a Timeline panel
A useful variation of insert and overwrite edits in a Timeline panel is known as the rearrange edit. A rearrange edit extracts a clip and inserts it into
its new location. However, only clips in the destination track are shifted; clips in other tracks are not affected. This technique lets you quickly
change the order of clips in a sequence, a task that would otherwise require additional steps. When you perform a rearrange edit, the Rearrange
Drag a clip; then press Ctrl+Alt (Windows) or Command+Option (Mac OS) as you drop it to a new location.
As you press Ctrl+Alt (Windows) or Command+Option (Mac OS), the Rearrange icon
appears. Releasing the clip performs an insert edit